Butcher Power Products: Through the Lens of a Creative Director and a Teenager.

There is so much about this industry…this company and this role that has taken me by complete surprise. I must admit, Creative Director of a Switchboard Manufacturing company wouldn’t have been on my Bingo card for “careers I’d be passionate about” but let me tell you…I am…like everyone else on the Butcher Power Products team…all in. 

Alex of Bay Power had reached out to us for this project…Two 5 section 2,000 AMP PV Switchboards, 2,000AMP LSIG Main Breaker w/ RELT, including Bolted Pressure Switch w/ Viewing Window as required by CEC Guidelines w/full height distribution sections.  His client was facing a utility approval timeline they thought was impossible and prior to Butcher Power Products he would have agreed. He sold them on our stockpiled components and expedited manufacturing capabilities, putting his long standing relationship and some pretty exorbitant fees on the line if we were even a day late on delivery. Why? Because he knew we wouldn’t be. 

I had come up to photograph the completed units for our website, my oldest daughter tagging along to play assistant-a role she takes very seriously and performs real well. As I walked into the back it was a blur of Butcher polo shirts and metal. I looked at the frames that should have looked more like enclosures by that point and my first thought was “We’re not going to get this done.” but it was quickly replaced…not by a second thought but by a knowing…”Yes we will.” 

Because here’s the thing…that’s what we do at Butcher Power. We get it done. We do whatever it takes. We take care of our customers and each other. My task quickly shifted from shooting the final product to supporting the production process. I have never seen a group of men work the way those guys did…they were machines among machines. They finalized in days what takes factories months. Joe Mooney, our Production Manager worked 17 hours Wednesday and 21 hours Thursday to make sure this gear was completed. He is the definition of leading by example. In an industry where everyone expects delays we have become the exception, we deliver-no matter what. 

Tom (BPP CEO) and I sat at dinner last night and he pulled up the notes my daughter had sent over to him…he’d asked her for her thoughts on everyone, he wanted her perspective…curious to see through the eyes of a 13 year old who had just experienced her first 21 hour workday (because yes her and I were right there with them until 4:30a.m.). 

Reading it aloud…we laughed at the incredible insanity of it all…this thing that we have all built and the people we are doing it with is really something special. So maybe this wasn’t on my Bingo card but I feel like I’ve hit the jackpot. 

“So, these notes from Presley…are they something we can post on our social?

…I mean…exactly as it is…they’re just…exactly who we are.” -Tom 

“Yes and yes.” -Alissa 

Presley Notes to Tom: 

Joe: We love Joe SO much, Joe was never negative and was a massive problem solver. I don’t know how he was functioning with how many hours straight he had worked. He should use proper protection when using fire tools (haha) but other than that he was great. And his dance at the end was everything. 

Joe Mooney, BPP Production Manager

Mike: Mike is so nice, he had a lot of pressure put on him. Even though there were a fewwww design hiccups he problem solved really well and remained positive. He was also very helpful in directing me and Mom with how to do things, sticker placement, etc…With how much pressure he was under he stayed calm and didn’t get irritated/frustrated. 

Mike Lourcey, BPP Engineer

Nick: Nick is really nice too. He gives very straight forward and helpful instruction. Even though he had to leave early (normal time) he made sure that what he needed to get done was passed off and super organized. All labels were clipped together per job and he made sure that Mom and I knew what labels needed to go where. 

Nick Richards, BPP Quality Control

Kendricks: Kendricks is SO nice and funny…he kept such a good jokey mood while also working so hard. He could barely walk by the end of it. He did take breaks because he smokes but they were quick and when he came back he didn’t half ass it he got right back to work and did what needed to be done. He stayed super late even though you could tell his whole body hurt and didn’t complain. He didn’t leave until the units were fully done and being loaded, after 3a.m. And he left then just because we had it and he needed to get some sleep before being back later that day. 

Kendricks, BPP Assembly

Jesse: Jesse is really nice. He was really good at juggling back and forth between helping in the warehouse and managing things in the office, looking for files/filling in for Paul stuff. He left to watch his kids but then his wife was able to watch them and so he came back to help even though he could have just stayed gone at that point. He was doing his “normal” job and also whatever job needed to be done, always had a good attitude too even though he could barely walk by the end. 

Daniel: Daniel is really really nice, whenever Lee didn’t seem to understand (I don’t think he speaks English super well) Daniel was so good about explaining to him and making sure he understood. They worked together as a team really well. He was always so appreciative when mom and I brought them food and drinks. He stayed really late even though he’s new-ish. Before leaving he was the one who pointed out that the truck might not fit out the rollup door with the units loaded…even though they did him pointing that out made us confirm before loading which was good. 

Daniel, BPP Assembler

Lee: I didn’t talk to Lee as much but he was always with Daniel and working super hard. I don’t think I ever saw him sit down…well actually no when we ate he sat next to Daniel but other than that no. He stayed really late too and then was back the next morning at like 7a.m. He always looked so focused and stayed on task. 

Assembler, Lee

Diego: I didn’t talk to Diego much but he always seemed to be working hard and was also really appreciative of the food. He left earlier than a lot of the others but put in solid effort while he was here. He also got really excited whenever we would bring more drinks. 

Harry: OMG Harry is actually SO nice. He was so nice about us always getting food and kept thanking us for everything we were doing for everyone. He left early but I know that he is going to be going to the site to do a lot of the finishing work.

Harry, Mike, Nick

Chris: Chris is also really nice. Similar to Harry he left earlier than a lot of people. But he was working super hard and had a great attitude when he was here. 

Jeff: OMG how can I forget Jeff…Jeff talks a lot…a lot…a lot a lot. He was such a team player though and really loves our family. He stayed up for SO long. He was really helpful with the switchboards on some hardware issues. He was awesome at loading the trucks and obviously drove/got them there. He also went and picked up the sandwiches for us and went and got paper towels. 

Alex: Alex drove into the parking lot FAST…he was READY. When we got them food he didn’t even come in to eat he just would come in and ask questions and go back to work. He was super helpful with loading the truck. He was so helpful when he got there and the fact that he came even though it was Harlows birthday says a lot. He was so positive and just got done what needed to be done. He really shouldn’t lift those HUGE panels by himself though. 

Jim: Jim had a meeting at some point so stopped for a while but he was working on a board with Daniel and Lee for a long time. He was so appreciative of everything that mom and I were doing. He really seemed to be focused and a team player. He was in the zone. He left not early but like normal time. 

Director of Operations, Jim McCarthy

Brandi: Brandi wasn’t there for a lot of it (had to take the kids to the airport) but she was helpful in holding down the regular fort while we did the crazy. She and Jesse were working together on things for Paul…files and stuff. She also wasn’t supposed to work on Friday but came in anyway. Oh…and she made me hot chocolate. 

Me & Mom: Well we obviously did the most. We kept everyone fed, hydrated, and calm and kept them from fighting each other or themselves on fire. And we were shooting pictures all while doing all of that. Mom kept Tom calm and updated. I kept Mom calm and updated. We stickered all of the units and helped Mike and Kendricks by handing them top pieces so they didn’t have to go up and down the ladder. I took everybody’s drink orders I don’t even know how many times and passed them out and made sure they drank them. I took food orders, laid out all the food, and ensured everyone ate. 

I spend a lot of time writing content…posts that are informative and “say what we do” here at Butcher Power Products but he’s right, THIS is who we really are. THIS is what we really do.